Karmod has established a prefabricated high school building

Purpose Of Usage Gümüşhane Anatolian İmam Hatip High School and Kelt High School Additional Service Building
Building Model Prefabricated Building System
Number Of Buildings 1
Total Area 7 classrooms
Project Year 2012
Region To Be Used Gümüşhane, Turkey
Completion Time 15 days
Currently 42 guests are viewing this project

Karmod has completed and delivered a prefabricated school project for Anadolu Imam Hatip high school in Gumushane, where students and teachers will use the new building in the new academic year.

The governor and the provincial national education paid a visit to the new school to see the comfort the new different building is offering to students instead of the past dificult conditions they were experiencing in their educational life.

The welcoming announcement was said by Mr. Cahit Karatepe the Gumushane deputy governor who declared that the prefabricated school building was completed in a short time with the disappearance of all the problems experienced last season. He stressed that our students now will happily complete their education in one new building.

The prefabricated school consisted of 7 classes and 1 teachers’ room.

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